AQC Leather Bracelet Manufacturers Certification
AQC has set up specification that its Members must respect. These requirements are audited every 24 months, by a third party, the SGS.
To download the "Cahier des Charges", please click here.
This "Cahier des Charges" covers :
General requirements |
Respect for Human Rights Respect for Labor rights and working conditions Compliance with national laws and regulations Guarantee of responsible business practices
Health, Safety and Environment policy |
Responsible practices for Health, Safety and Environment Protection of wild animal species and preservation of the species in their natural environment Compliance with international regulations and norms on dangerous substances
Traceability and management of the sourcing risks |
Reliability of the supply chain
AQC Certified Leather Bracelet Manufacturers (click on the link to open the certificate) :
- Bradco, Portugal
- Brasport SA, Switzerland
- Brasport Thailand Co., Ltd. , Thailand
- Camille Fournet, France
- Filao Limitee, Mauritius
- Hirsch Armbänder GmbH, Austria
- Kotat Leather Product (Shenzhen) Ltd, Chine
- Interstrap SA, France
- La Manufacture Interstrap de la Méditerranée, Tunisia
- Multicuirs SA, Switzerland
- Relprod Unipessoal LDA, Portugal
- Kolang Co. Ltd, Thailand
AQC Label
What is the AQC label?
The AQC Label is a collective mark that can only be awarded to leather watch bracelet manufactured at AQC-certified production sites.
It bears witness to a process aimed at achieving the highest possible level of chemical, social and environmental safety.
The commitments of AQC bracelet manufacturers are outlined below. If you have any further questions, please
AQC Rating for Tanneries & Traders
In alignment with AQC’s mission, and to meet the requirements of Watch Brands, we have launched the AQC Tanners Rating and the AQC Traders Rating initiatives. These straightforward and relevant tools enable tanneries and leather traders to showcase their dedication to sustainability.
The rating system comprises progressive and cumulative steps :
It undergoes at least mandatory annual review and remains subject to ad hoc updates at any time to incorporate new certifications or changes in the supply chain.
For the Tanneries, rating requirement applies to its entire supply chain and must cover the 4 major leather manufacturing steps : beamhouse, tanning, crusting and finishing.
For the Traders, they must demonstrate to AQC that their supply chain is fully compliant with the rating requirements.
To see the AQC Rating for Tanneries & Traders go to the bottom of the page.
The rules for alligator leather Tanneries/Traders are outlined as follow :
The rules for bovine leather Tanneries/Traders are outlined as follow :
AQC Rating for Tanneries & Traders
"Platinum" Suppliers
- Arke Conceria Spa
- Conceria Monteverdi Srl
- Esotica Srl
- France Croco
- Hermès Cuir Précieux - Conceria di Cuneo Srl
- Italven Conceria Srl
- La Patrie Srl
- Meridiana Spa
- Nuova Antilope Srl
- Tannerie Mégisserie du Maghreb
- Tanneries Haas
"Gold" Suppliers
- Carriat Remy Tanneries SA
- Classic Leather Italia Srl
- Conceria CILP Snc
- Conceria Pellegrini Group
- Gruppo Dani
- Gruppo Mastrotto
- Helcor-Leder-Tec GmbH
- Jacobs GmbH
- Zuma Pelli Pregiatte Srl
"Silver" Suppliers
- GM Leather (former Chiorino Technology Spa)
- Heng Long Leather Co Pte Ltd
- Küpfer Cuir SA
- Leder Fiedler (former Max Gimmel AG)
- Novalpina AG & France
- Tanexo Italia Srl
- Tanneries Roux
"Standard" Suppliers
- Conceria Walpier Srl
- Faeda Spa
- Malaigia Pellami Srl
- Tanneries du Puy