In alignment with AQC missions all our work content is developed and shared transparently with all stakeholders in the watch and the leather industries. Our communication channels include organising and taking part in events,
You will find here articles published in recent years. To access them, simply click on the respective link.
Wishing you an enjoyable read
- The Luxury Journals : "Les fabricants de bracelets de montre en cuir s'unissent pour la durabilité"
- Swiss KnowHow : "Un soutien précieux dans la gestion de la conformité chimique des matériaux"
- ILM : "AQC presents laboratory working group results"
- The Luxury Journals : "Quand cuir exotique rime avec éthique"
- The Luxury Journals : "When exotic leather means ethics"
- ILM : "Making chromium detection easier"
- Europa Star : "Leather Straps. When competitors become partners"
- Swiss KnowHow : "Un test rapide pour déceler la présence de Cr (VI)"